

A photography project.
Book Printing & Binding: Yiheng
My definition of “Asian,” as it pertains to this project is – a person who was born in, or grew up in an Asian country, who migrated to the United States and still considers him/herself as Asian.
As a student who has been in the US for only one year, I feel like “loneliness” is a feeling that most people like me would have experienced. This kind of loneliness is not a result of the people or the lifestyle here, but is due to the fact we came from an extremely different culture. The loss of cultural identity and roots is constantly felt. This makes us feel always out of place and never fully able to assimilate into western culture.

Therefore, I wanted to see how other Asian people felt about their lives in this foreign country. I went to my Asian friends’ house and took their portraits, as well as pictures of their rooms, houses and neighborhoods, and interviewed each of them. Do they have the same feelings? Do they enjoy their lives here? What are their plans for future? I tried to capture their feelings through portraits and not let my own feelings affect them. The looking of room, house and neighborhoods could show their living conditions.My project shows from their personal environment to a larger scale of their neighborhood community, in order to illustrate the complete daily environment of the participants.
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